Tip #64 Start timing your showers
Are you a get-in-and-get-out shower-taker, or do you like to stand there long enough that the water pools around your feet?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average shower lasts 8 minutes.
If everyone in the United States, reduced their average shower time by one minute each time, it could save a whopping 165 billion gallons of water (plus the energy used to prepare it for usage) annually, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (source).
So can you imagine how much water you could save each year by reducing your time in the shower?
How to keep your showers shorter?
Here are a few tips on how you can make it shorter.
Time it to a playlist
Do you have a favourite song? Try to time your shower according to it. It will boost your mood and also give you an idea of how much time you've got left.
Use egg timer
Dig that old cooking timer out of the kitchen cupboard, give it a new spot on the bathroom vanity, and challenge yourself to beat the clock.
Turn the temperature down
This way you can definitely shorten your time in the shower. It's not only good for your body but also it will save you some money on the bills.
Just reducing your showers by a bit, can make a huge difference.