Tip #78 Say No To Junk Mail

The other week we talked about the junk and unwanted emails, newsletters, promotions that end up in our online mailbox. This time, we will talk about the actual junk mail that ends up in our postboxes.


Everyone who has the mailbox knows it well. Week after week is our mailbox full of promo materials, flyers, catalogues, newspapers that we are not even interested in. How many of us throw these papers directly into the bin even without checking them?

If you keep receiving the catalogues from companies that you’ve ordered something from, cancel the subscription - in case you would need it, all the information you can always find online.

Make it clear
Use a sticker or note on your mailbox that you no longer wish to receive promotional material. This way you, will make a statement that you are not interested in this kind of marketing, and hopefully, the companies will change the way how to target you and at least they will reduce their offline marketing production.

There is positive change around. Many of the big food store chain companies are changing their approach. Instead of sticking each week a new catalogue of their products into your mailbox, they leave these catalogues within their stores - for those who are interested in the weekly updates, they can grab one copy.
They reduced their paper waste and save around 4000 tons of paper yearly, which equals 70 000 trees.

There are many effective ways how companies can target you, but promo flyers should be in our past.